Us Canadian Magazine Dispute Case Study

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U.S - Canadian magazine Dispute happen as a result of law laid down by Canadian government to other foreign magazine such as America, Canadian government introduce new tax to all foreign magazine in order to protect the country domestic magazine as well as not losing respect for their culture. The law stated that new tax will be pay on all advertising revenue or the magazine will have to publish a magazine that will compose of least 80% of Canadian context but other foreign consider the law to be discriminating practice. However, in 1995, the
Canadian government added another tax that would have to be paid unless the split-run magazine had at least 80% Canadian content because they sees some foreign magazine companies trying to avoid paying tax. In …show more content…

Canadian government have a genuine desire to protect their culture by implement a law that will favour and promote their culture without such law Canadian might loss their heritage especially the new generation will not be able to continue and aware of their culture, almost
89% of magazine that being sold in Canada are all foreign magazine which contain most information about other culture which cannot benefit to local people in Canada especially other people that is not speaking English, is not all Canadian citizen that is speaking English some are speaking only French only, by impose law will benefit both the government and their citizen. Q2: To what extent do you think the government of Canada was pressured to seek to protect its market because of the financial interests of the Canadian magazine industry?
The Canadian government was pressure to seek to protect their market because of so many reason starting from their financial interest which will benefit the country as well and also to protect their