Use Color Psychology While Designing Business Cards

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As an interior designer or decorator, you likely know how to zone in on each and every clients' personal tastes to design a room or home that they love. However, when designing your business cards, you don't have one unique customer to please, but instead, you need them to have mass appeal to every potential client you hand them too. Creating a universally stylish card that catches the eyes of customers with varying personal styles may seem overwhelming when you are so used to tailoring your designs to please individual tastes. However, it can be done, and when you follow these tips, you can design a business card that is unique and stylish, yet also appeals to each unique client's tastes.

1. Leave Your Personal Design Taste to Your Home and …show more content…

That may not sound like much, but remember you are working with a very small space.

3. Use Color Psychology When Choosing Your Background and Print Colors

As an interior designer, you likely know all about color psychology and how it can set the mood in a room. However, you may not know how to use it to your advantage when designing your business cards. It can also become confusing when attempting to use the right colors to convey a mood without putting off customers who don't like specific colors. For example, while pink signals compassion, it is also universally considered a somewhat feminine color, which may make customers think you are going to fill their homes with ruffles and feathers.

Don't worry, because there are colors that will convey the right messages that are more universally appealing. For example, a black background sends the message that you are sophisticated, and it is a relatively neutral color that is unlikely to turn any customer off. It will also make your card stand out and look unique. A turquoise background will give every potential client you hand your card to an uplift in mood that can translate to them looking at your card longer, since glancing at it boosts their …show more content…

Once you have your basic card designed, a little raised print or a little embossing can add some fun to your card while also making it stand out by tickling the physical senses of your potential clients. A cut die design can allow you to literally design "outside of the box" by giving your card a unique shape or allowing you to create cut-outs in the middle of your card. You can even choose more than one special effect, as long as you don't overdo it too much. Have fun with the effects, and just make sure the end result is visually

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