Using DNA In Criminal Investigation Cases By Janet Portman

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DNA, also known as Deoxyribonucleic acid; is a molecule that carries certain genetic instructions that are used in the growth, functioning, developing, and reproduction of all known living organisms. Consequently, its analysis gives investigators the ability to find both the suspects and the victim of a crime. There are many ways DNA can be used to better understand a person and their characteristics, such as determining identity by analyzing hair samples. In addition, DNA has now made a new system for warrants known as “DNA” warrants which provides an alternative method to determining and apprehending suspects based off of samples of their genetic material. The components of DNA has significantly aided government officials in determining the unique traits of a perpetrator. According to “Using DNA in Criminal Investigation Cases” by Janet Portman, the order of which genetic coding arranges itself is specified for every individual and therefore ensures that analyzation is more accurate. Furthermore, Portman justifies her claims by explaining how, “Scientists can harvest a person’s DNA molecule from any cell, be it tissue... once …show more content…

Portman notes these challenges and expresses that specific “factors...may break the DNA into small fragments, reducing the clarity of the bands or their sizes” (3). In this case, DNA profiling lacks in veracity as a result of its fractured pieces that then compromise results. Another significant example that could impact DNA test results includes the matching of sample bands to determine how identical they are. When a sample has been degraded, the analyst lacks a distinctive print, making it possible to mistakenly declare a match (3). In various instances, the CSI has mistakenly used DNA analysis to identify someone as guilty or innocent. Nevertheless, DNA testing proves to be one of the most accurate methods of analyzation at a crime

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