Using Logic Models In Writing A Grant Proposal

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Using Logic Models Almost all grant writers fear the evaluation section at the end of a proposal. The interesting parts of writing a grant proposal is: developing the major goals and objectives, describing programs and defining the community needs (Ciconte, 2009). The least favorite part of a grant proposal is the budget section. The budget section is the most feared because an organization must prove their grant proposal utilizing actual costs and spending that will occur in order to make their project a success. Funding organizations either support or decline potential grantees if their budgets do not exemplify necessary spending with guaranteed future profits (McDavid & Hawthorn, 2006). Logic models are currently being utilized to prove …show more content…

Resources Activities Outputs Outcomes Goals Each component is linked to the next in a conditional logic “If-Then” relationship, like computer programming in Basic. If you have access to resources, then you can carry out program activities. If you carry out program activities, then you can deliver program services (outputs). If you provide program services, then clients will benefit (outcomes). If your clients benefit, then hoped for changes will happen in your community (impact). The obvious advantage of a logic model for the grant writer is that one simple graphic shows the funder how their grant works with other community resources to carry out your program, and provides the basis for evaluation. When developing a Project Logic Model, evaluation professionals recommend starting with Impacts/Goals and working backwards through outcomes, outputs, activities and resources. If you’re working with an organization’s program staff, this helps them focus on what the funder wants (results) rather than what they want (funding). This can result in thinking of new ways of doing things and leaving behind practices that may only loosely be linked to the program’s intended outcomes (Ciconte,