Thomas More's Dystopian Novel 1984

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Thomas More’s Utopia hope for man’s individual and social perfectibility
I don’t feel like I’ve completed the novel, it feels incomplete, as if I was expecting a grand climax at the end, and what do I end with? “He loved big brother.” But now I’m left with thoughts.
The way he tricks the telescreen and writes diary in privacy, being all cautious and stuff makes us feel a bit vulnerable within ourselves about him being caught, as if we were him or he were a part of us.
How he leads a stale life in survival mode day by day is also so gray and for the first 100 pages where the writer from 1940s tries to build up a future without any specific technical and structural/physical elements about the era except the general population setup and mindsets …show more content…

People’s lives are boring maybe that’s why they like to imagine a different world inside their heads. But maybe as a professional writer George Orwell wrote the dystopian novel 1984 to vent out the knowledge(and an amazing idea) he had inside, which he wanted an outlet, and had the perfect medium to.
Between the two, Orwell is the more famous one. Perhaps it’s because of how dark the premise of 1984 is. That and it’s a direct allegory and criticism towards Stalin’s rule in the Soviet.Of course, a better historical reference for that would be Animal Farm but 1984 does no less of an amazing job in illustrating a society ruled by fear and strict provisioning. In Orwell’s imagining of a dystopian society, rebellions are quashed immediately and dissent is intolerable. Here, we’re introduced to terms like thoughtcrime that punishes individuals with any signs of dissenting thought. Not so difficult when everyone’s under surveillance everywhere they …show more content…

O’Brien, description of whom made you feel a bit trust towards him, plays on our bias of body image. The last 100 pages were a departure from the life in pink to a dark grey one, with strong white light in your face, in the lifeless cells of Miniluv building up your anticipation for room 101.
But O’Brien’s betrayal has evoked skepticism in my brain section which handles trust, seriously. I’ll stop blindly trusting people on the basis my body image bias, or any kind of bias after this.
The way O’Brien controls and alters Winston’s frame through torture and his communication skills is also impressive and the way the writer makes O’Brien look kind of a rescuing agent from life near the end(who we have mixed emotions about) is also something that adds to the overall emotional impact of the novel on you.

The novel almost exclusively explores themes of isolation as the party looks over every ‘single’ one of them, just like google and facebook does these days, which makes you feel kind of lonely at the end of it, questioning yourself about yourself.
Winston’s solitary life is kind of relatable in terms of how we go about in our own lives in private, except we have a social circle outside it to complement it and give us a sense of balance in life. But we could relate to his