
Vasco Nunez De Balboa Research Paper

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Important voyage- Eryn Snethen

Many voyages have led to many amazing discoveries in the world. One voyage that made impacts and was very important was Vasco Nunez de Balboa’s voyage that was important in history. He discovered that there was more water in the world. He discovered the Pacific Ocean in 1513. I believe that after many discoveries and voyages in the past, more is to come. Vasco Nunez de Balboa was an explorer, and conquistador which is a person that conquers new land. He helped establish the first community on a continent in South America at Darien, which is on the coast of the Isthmus of Panama. In 1513, he was on a search for gold, when he saw the Pacific Ocean. He declared everything that he saw was for Spain, which then helped them later on for Spain and their own discoveries, and research of other things. In September 1513, he led many Spaniards and Indians on an expedition across the Isthmus of Panama. For Balboa’s explorations, he became governor of Panama and Cobia. In mid-1514, while Balboa was governor of the other provinces, King Ferdinand decided that Pedro …show more content…

The exploration was to take control of Mar del Sur and the surrounding areas. He began his journey is 1517-18, after having materials built for him to make the trip easier, by being sent to the Pacific. Pedrarias’ enemies convinced the King that Pedro wasn’t being a good leader of Darien. He was then afraid that Balboa was going to speak out against him, so he decided to make Balboa come home from his expedition and have him arrested for rebellion. Balboa was then also arrested for treason in 1519. Overall, on Balboa’s explorations he discovered new land, and water. He had become governor of provinces, and went on new explorations. Though after all his exploring, and new discoveries, he was put under treason. His discoveries of new land, and water helped to become an important voyage in

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