
Vatican II Essay

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The Vatican II was a critical change inside the catholic church. There were numerous popes amid the season of the Vatican II, going from Pope Pius X to Pope John XXIII to pope Paul VI. to Pope Benedict XII. there were three popes who added to from the season of the development of Vatican II. be that as it may, on account of Pope John XXIII who had seen the issues and assembled a conference for 2,000 religious administrators to go to talk about the current issue.

There were 2,000 religious administrators who went to the second vatican II board meeting. It was really general. There were a wide range of religious administrators from various foundation and societies, and numerous from outside Europe. Amid the talk of vatican II, many issues …show more content…

This gave permission for parents to choose what type of education they wanted for their child/ren, this includes Catholic schools, Catholic Colleges and Universities.
Another document is the Decree on the Apostolate of Lay people, Nov 18, 1965. This shows that it is including the Lay people of learning about Christ's teachings.
Another document is the declaration of the Church to Non Christian Religion, Oct 28 1965. The Catholic church says it will refuse anything that is true and holy in Non-Christian religions, wanting to halt all bigotry relating to colour, race, religion, etc.
Another document was the Pastoral constitution on the church in a modern world, Dec 7 1965. The Catholic church attempts to reach out to all atheists, peace is the biggest change needed in the world, nuclear war would never be heard of and nations in need of help will be helped.
Decree on the ministry and life of priests, Dec 7 1965. The priest's job was to spread the word of the lord to everyone and the people take in this information and use it for assistance. Before Vatican II, the priest was the only person holy in the church and the only person holy enough to talk to God. When Vatican II had been created, everyone in the world was

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