Thematic Analysis: Vendor Managed Inventory

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Thematic Analysis
1- Significance of the Research Study
ERP plays a major role in Vendor Managed Inventory. A vendor managed inventory is a process where the manufacturer generates order for the manufacturer based on the demand created by the distributor using ERP. During this process the manufacturer follows mutually agreed objectives between the manufacturer and distributor for filling rates and transaction costs. In this regard, some ordering model in Vendor Managed Inventory for the retail industry will be discussed, and its effect on supply chain collaboration mechanism is reviewed, and finally the process cost reduction as a supplier, will be discussed as operational model and rate of this quantities improvement is measured. 2- Implementation …show more content…

However there still remains concern over the appropriateness of the ERP software. Ability to handle the confusion can only be gained through experience and Managers are posted on their seats based on their level of experience. However ERP can help in assisting the officials in decision making. However our topic is debated on how ERP systems can help in decision making and in this section we have put together some of the advantages gained by ERP systems which helps in quick decision making.

In the current business environment information is the key resource of an organization. If the organization does not have an effective mechanism that gives the decision makers the needed or the right information at the right time, then the chances of that organization succeeding in the future will remain a mystery

6- The Predefine role of ERP in supporting of supply chain management …show more content…

Investment in information technology has resulted in significant effect on productive levels, growth and also the value of business organization. There are also other works which have proved that there are also positive results on internal performance such as inventory turnover. All these researches suggests that there are positive benefits from the implementation of IT systems with successful ERP deployment, many little have pointed out the statistical models and reports that favors the advantages. Over the last few decades, companies have paid a considerable attention to the methods of Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems (MPCS). Management responsibilities concerning the concept of MPCS

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