
Vera Claythorne And Then There Were None

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Some People Deserve Other Consequences Imagine if an individual is visiting a home and they along with everybody else are right next to death's door the whole time because there was a secret killer and Agatha Christie’s book And Then There Were None goes over this topic. 10 people arrive at the island on a boat, not knowing who everyone is. They slowly start dying, one by one. Vera Claythorne, a young lady who had let a child drown. Macarthur is an army general who sent somebody out knowing they would die because they were dating his wife. Brent would kick somebody out and that person goes to kill themselves because people aren’t helping them. Justice Wargrave is not justified in these killings because some of the killings were based on his …show more content…

Hugo talked about Vera letting Cyril die when Justice Wargrave was interviewing him so he could have more feelings and thoughts about her while on everybody else he only had a few details. He thinks a woman can’t do that to a child because women are supposed to be taking care of it instead of killing children, so he thinks that the woman has done the worst murder she could have done. Justice Wargrave was planning on how to kill everybody in his order that he wants to, he says, “Those whose guilt was the lightest should, I decided, pass out first, and not suffer prolonged mental strain and fear that the more cold-blooded offenders were to suffer.” (PDF 175). Justice Wargrave kills the people with the least amount of guilt first, then the most cold-blooded after the first two murders because he doesn’t want the people who feel no guilt at all to suffer the most out of everybody who did feel guilt. Many people do not agree with his killing order and he has mixed up his killing order because switching him up from guilt to cold blooded will change the order a

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