
And Then There Were None Justice Essay

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Have you ever been in a situation where you feel something is wrong, and you don't know who to trust? That’s how the characters from And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie felt. Some times that this happened in this book are when bad people were killed, when there were disagreements, and when good people were killed. So, in And Then There Were None, most situations have justice. One way there is justice in the book is how people were killed when they were awful people. An example of this is Phillip Lombard. Lombard was a very bad person who was racist and sexist. He also left 21 people to die, and admitted that he didn’t even care. This can be proven by when he said, “Natives don't mind dying, you know.” (Christie, page 67). He was later killed by Vera Claythorne, when she …show more content…

Some people may say he was trying to do his job, but it was very irresponsible to get drunk at work, especially when he was a doctor. It was also terrible when he thought he could get away with it when he was explaining, “Lucky for me there’s loyalty in our profession.” (Christie, page 72). Later in the book, he was drowned in the middle of the night. Lastly, Emily Brent also proves this point. From the beginning of the book, she always judged people. She also led someone to suicide, and admitted that she didn’t care, much like Lombard. While talking to Vera Claythorne, she told her, “If she had behaved like a decent, modest young woman none of this would have happened.” (Christie, page 111). This shows that she was a very bad person because she was being selfish and had no remorse for what she had done. Later, she died while hallucinating about the woman who died. This could also prove that she is a bad person because she only felt bad about what she did when other people started getting killed for what they did. She only felt bad when her own life was in

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