Theory Of Behavior Case Study: Verizon Wireless Telecommunication Organization

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Case Study 3
Teresa Allen
Western International University
Theory of Behavior
Beth Groh
January29, 2018 Case Study 3

Verizon wireless telecommunications organization is one of the leaders in cell phone, and other areas of communication in the world. Verizon wireless success evolves though a network of groups and teams who share the responsibility in keeping customers satisfied and protecting shareholder’s profits. Work groups have no need for opportunity to engage in collective work with joint effects (Judge, & Robbins 2017) so the group’s performance is merely the summation of each member’s individual contribution. Verizon wireless has many different groups that share different responsibilities. One in particular is …show more content…

Research indicates teams such as customer support positively shapes the way the organization thinks as individuals in introducing a collaborative mindset about personal decision making (Judge, & Robbins 2017) this team compared to others in the organization is characterized as a problem solving team which rarely possess the authority to implement their suggestions on a personal level, but if recommendations are allowed with implementing provisions, some may …show more content…

According to one of the organizations spokesman ethical behavior is not something that just happens, it’s based on product of clear and direct communication of the behavior from organization to the employees. Basically and teams in big organizations can’t function if they cannot agree on who does what task, and the assurance that all members and individuals share the workload. Concerning virtual teams and members interpersonal trust among them is in accordance of facilitating cooperation reduces and have the potential of bonding individuals thoughts on the belief that other members will not take advantages of them (Judge, & Robbins 2017).

Work groups often shape group members behaviors, which foster the explanation on individual behavior and the performance of the group as a whole, and it’s here we have to look at the self-competency aspects of the group, that’s includes but not limited, knowledge, skills and the ability to access personal strengths, weaknesses to set and peruse professional