Video Games Debate

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The Debate on Video Game Violence The debate on whether video games cause aggression has been a hot button issue going back almost 20 years. Despite the life span of the debate not much has been made in terms of a consensus on the subject. The importance of this debate became even more real in 2011 when the US Supreme Court ruled that video games are protected under free speech. Finally, this never ending debate made its way to Capitol Hill and was beginning to effect US law and policy. On one side of this debate is Peter Nauroth a Psychologist who in the article “Gamers against science: The case of the violent video games debate” explains how individuals he defines as “gamers” disregard evidence suggesting negative effects from playing video …show more content…

In this study he attempts to try and develop a better understanding of why the evidence produced from the scientific community often poorly received by certain biased individuals. He goes on to provide cases in which people ignore or refute research conducted by scientists that conflicts with their personal view points or life styles. He refers to gamers as anyone who is involved or participates in communities, associations, industries, and/or events relating to video games as well as anyone who plays video games as a hobby. The article is an attempt by Nauroth to prove that gamers are against any research which may put a bad spotlight on video games regardless of their …show more content…

The time frame requirement is based around the era of 1995 to 2007 this is due primarily to the fact that at this time video games were becoming much more vivid. The subject matter requirement focused primarily on finding articles that were specifically involved in the debate of the effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior. The final requirement was due mostly to ease of