Vietnam Relationship To The Domino Theory

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Vietnam and the relationship to the Domino Theory
The relationship that Vietnam has to the Domino Theory is that the United States was intervening the spread of Communism. They acted like Trump’s Wall, theoretically speaking. They didn’t want communism to spread throughout the rest of Asia so they decided to help out the south. President Harry Truman would sent military aid to help out. When Eisenhower became president, he continued the U.S. support.

Tet Offensive
Tet is the Vietnamese New Year. The Tet Offensive was organized to encourage all uprising in the south. They were coordinated surprise attacks against every South Vietnamese town and city. These attached began on January 31, 1968, the first day of the Lunar New Year,Vietnam’s most …show more content…

He wanted to send out all the 19-year-olds to be drafted out into Vietnam. Nixon also announced that the United States soldiers were to train the Southern Vietnamese soldiers to replace the U.S. troops.

The Fall of Saigon
There was a change of presidents from Richard Nixon, because of the watergate scandal, to Gerald Ford in 1974. In April of 1975, the last Americans evacuate South Vietnam and Saigon falls to communists.

The draft
Men were forced to be in the military with technically no way out. As soon as they turned of age that they could be deployed, they were automatically put in a lottery that had random drawings.

The 26th Amendment
The 26th amendment was passed when the men (technically boys) were trying to get the voting age to drop from 21 to 18. They didn’t find it fair that at 18 you can fight for your country but you couldn’t vote yet. They ended up making signs that if they were old enough to fight then they were old enough to vote.
The Role of the Media
The media played a big role in all of this “drama”. The media basically was on your side or against you. It can work with you or it can make what you’re doing look worse than what it