
Violence In Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Violence is Easier Than Love
"Thus with a kiss I die..." Shakespeare uses violence in Romeo and Juliet to show how disastrous hatred is. Two star-crossed lovers are pulled apart by the hatred of their families, resulting in their deaths. Shakespeare exaggerates how one person's distaste can affect a whole town. Romeo Montague crashes his rival Capulet's party. Romeo catches a glimpse of Capulet's only child Juliet. It's love at first sight until they find out they are enemies. Despite fate, they get married the next day in secrecy. Soon after Romeo kills Tybalt Capulet and is banished from Verona. Ignorant Capulet marries his daughter off to Count Paris. Juliet then fakes her death and waits for Romeo to save her from the tomb. Romeo was not informed of the plan and Juliet wakes up to find him dead. She then kills herself after kissing Romeo one last time. Throughout the play violent actions lead to more hate, ending in the death of the two most loved children in Verona. undefined …show more content…

The play starts with a fight between the two families in the middle of town. The disturbance affects the townspeople, causing the Prince to get involved. In 1.1.82, shortly after a huge fight, the Prince says, "By thee, old Capulet, and Montague, have thrice disturbed the quiet of streets." The Prince saying this provides us with the knowledge that there have been previous fights. This feud has been going on for some time now, and is causing chaos everywhere they collide. Sadly the Prince's declaration for peace did nothing to resolve the

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