Visual Influence On Visual-Motor Adaption Movements

416 Words2 Pages

Group Members: Dana Garscia, Nicholas Getz, Andre Douglas

Background: Since the early studies of Woodworth (1899), researchers have sought to understand vision and its role in the control of movement. While these early researchers focused on the relative significance of vision and kinesthesis, and the comparative time it takes to process visual information, recent hypothetical and specialized developments have inspired today’s researchers to formulate studies into the different pathways of visual information, and how they may influence movement in different contexts. We will utilize the fundamental aspects of research to examine how changes in visual input influence gait speed and stride length, and we will influence the visual adaptation of walking on straight line and somatosensensation by wearing the prism goggles.

Purpose: The purpose of this research project is to evaluate the effect of shifting the visual field and examining its influence on the visual-motor adaption pathways that are essential to everyday life.

Hypothesis: We …show more content…

We will use the three-dimensional (3D) motion analysis system to analyze the gait velocity, distance, and time; and we will also be assessing prism adaptation by using the prism goggles. The experiment will be conducted over several days. Trail 1 (control), each subject will walk along a straight line with no visual alterations. Trail 2 (prism exposure), the subjects will walk along the same straight line while wearing the prism goggles. Trail 3 (post-exposure), will be conducted on the same day as trail 2, and the subject will be instructed to walk along a straight line after removing/exposure to the prism goggles. Once all trails are complete, we will calculate and compare gait speeds and stride lengths for each of our variables. We will also compare our results between subjects, and evaluate the general pattern among

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