Visualization Of Flame And Wall In The Meso-Scale Combustor

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Fig 12 shows visualization of flame and wall in the meso-scale combustor at a reactants flow velocity U = 100 cm/ s. At an equivalence ratio  = 0.8 flame color is dark blue. The greater of equivalence ratio make the brighter flame. The greater of equivalence ratio, meaning the more fuel is burned. It makes the flame temperature rise. An increase in temperature is what causes the colors of the flame look even brighter. The increase in equivalence ratio is also causing some unburned fuel in the combustor, but it burns at the leading edge ( =1.2; AR = 1, AR = 1.5). The shape of a flame holder in the form a narrow slit which has two sides greatly influences of the flame shape. Except in the combustor with AR = 1.5, the flame separate on each

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