There are two types of vitamins: water soluble and fat soluble. Water soluble vitamins include vitaminsB1, B2, B3, B6, B12, vitamin C, biotin and folate. They are not stored in large amounts in the body, andany extra is lost through your urine says the Dietitians of Canada web page.Vitamin B1 helps with energy production in the body. Vitamin B2 helps with energy production in thebody. Vitamin B3 helps your body to use protein, fat and carbohydrate to make energy and helpsenzymes work right. Biotin allows your body to use protein, fat and carbohydrate from food. Vitamin B6helps your body to make and use protein and glycogen and helps form hemoglobin which carries oxygenin your blood. Vitamin B12 works with the vitamin folate to make DNA and …show more content…
Vitamin A helps you to see inthe day and at night and protects you from infections by keeping skin and other body parts healthy.Vitamin D increases the amount of calcium and phosphorus your body absorbs from foods and depositscalcium and phosphorus in bones and teeth, making them stronger and healthier, it also protects againstinfections by keeping your immune system healthy. Vitamin E helps to maintain a healthy immunesystem and other body processes and acts as an antioxidant and protects cells from damage. Vitamin Kmakes proteins that cause our blood to clot, when you are bleeding and is involved in making bodyproteins for your blood, bones and kidneys.You can get there vitamins out of the things you eat also you can get them in a pill form. You can getyour vitamin B1 from whole grains, enriched grains, Liver, pork, dried beans, nuts and seeds and your B2from soybeans, meat and poultry, liver and eggs, mushrooms, milk, cheese, yogurt, whole grains, andenriched grains. Vitamin B3 is in mushrooms, peanut butter, meat, fish, poultry, whole grains, andenriched grains. You get your biotin from sweet potatoes, nonfat milk, yogurt, peanuts, almonds, eggs,liver, and soy