W T Vivian Bearing Analysis

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“Good” The word “Good” as described when you google it, as a noun, means “that which is morally right; righteousness.” To me, the meaning of the word can fluctuate from person to person based on the individuals personal beliefs and morals. There are many things that most people universally consider to be good, such as giving a homeless person a meal, taking a stray dog to a shelter, or taking care of an orphan. There are also many things that most people would consider to not be good, such as killing, lying, stealing, and cheating. To me personally, the word good doesn’t have an exact definition. Good is something that is morally right to each individual, or can help someone else. In the story W;t, Vivian Bearing debates throughout whether or not she is good and whther or not she lived a good life. Dr. Kelekian was Vivian’s doctor throughout all of the story. Many people would have the assumption that because he is a doctor he must be good, because he wants to save lives. But in the case of Dr. Kelekian, he may have pushed the “saving a life” agenda too far, endangering Vivian’s quality of life. …show more content…

Kelekian’s fellow. Jason was very concerned with the research and wasn’t as concerned about his bedside manner or the feelings of his patient, Vivian. This deems him in my mind to not be very good. He was way more concerned with the study and research than he was with Vivian’s opinion and how she was truly feeling. As a doctor it is very important to take good care of the patient and do what they want, not just to do what you want. Jason knew that if all went well with Vivian’s study, he and Dr.Kelekian would receive recognition and appreciation for their work in finding another solution to ovarian cancer, such as Vivian had. He let that cloud how he handled Vivian as a person. Throughout most of the story, it seemed more like Jason saw Vivian as a test subject moreso than an actual human being. That deemed Jason to be a bad person in