
Wahhabism Dbq

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Wahhabism has become increasingly influential throughout the Middle East and the world. It has been integrated into the dynamic religious conflict in the Middle East and has become a very supported and influential religion. To understand what makes Wahhabism so popular, we have to go back to the roots of Wahhabism and the meaning behind it. Wahhabism was founded by Mohammed Ibn Abd al-Wahhab in the eighteenth century. “It stresses the absolute sovereignty of God.” (1) Wahhabism is an Islamic doctrine and religious movement that seeks to restore “pure” monotheistic views from followers. Wahhabism is an idea to restore traditional Islamic ideals and reject modernity. Wahhabists believe that their religion is the only true religion that God had …show more content…

The most prevalent example of this would be in Saudi Arabia. The country has been so vital to the growth of Wahhabism ever since it became the dominant religion in the country. “It was Abdullah's House of Saud that fought its way to power in 1932, and hammered three disconnected territories into one kingdom under the Wahhabi faith.” (Doc 2) This establishment of a Wahhabi faith as Saudi’s main religion that has heavily influenced the country’s educational systems. “Wahhabism explosive growth began in the 1970s, when Saudi charities started funding Wahhabi schools…” (Doc 4) The Saudi government funding Wahhabi schools was a crucial part to Wahhabism gaining support and becoming a powerful branch of Islam. These Wahhabi schools created a new generation of Wahhabi Muslims. These schools made the children into hardcore Wahhabists and therefore made it a much stronger religion in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Muslim world. The schools also instilled the thought that they are the only true religion of God and that anyone who worshiped differently was wrong, but more importantly they view them as the enemy. This later fueled a lot of conflict between, Wahhabists, Muslims and the Western

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