Walk Two Moons Character Analysis

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Maguerite Duras once said, “The thing that’s between us is fascination, and the fascination resides in our being alike. Whether you’re a man or a women, the fascination resides in finding out that we’re alike.” This is true for Sal. She was fascinated how the situation Phoebe was in was so similar to hers. She didn’t want it to end the way her situation ended with her mother never coming back. In the book Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech, similar things that happen to Phoebe in the subplot, happen to Sal in the plot. One of the most significant moments that happens shows similarity of events that happen to both Phoebe and Salamanca is that both of their mothers leave their families to find out who they really are and the girls very much alike don’t want anyone else to know about this. This causes both Phoebe …show more content…

This makes them both feel like their mothers don’t love them as much and don’t want to believe their mothers are gone. Sal says, “And just like Phoebe, who had waved her mother’s sweater in front of her father, I had brought a chicken in from the coop: “Would Mom leave her favorite chicken?” I demanded. “She loves this chicken.” (page 125). This shows how they are both wondering why their mother would leave them. They both feel like it is their faults that their mothers left them. Sal says, “She touched a white sweater hanging on the back of a chair. “My mother’s favorite white cardigan,” she said. She snatched the sweater and waved it in front of her father. “Look at this! Would she leave this behind? Would she?’” (Page 124). The both of them feel like their mothers would never leave them and that they had to have been taken away or left unintentionally. They both don’t want to believe that their moms would ever leave them in very similar