
Walt Disney Research Paper

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Try to think back in time to when you were a young kid. Although you may not have realized it then, everything was probably fairly easy. After a long day of playing outside and drawing chalk on the driveway you got to come inside, eat dinner, and on special nights watch a movie before bed. Now think of what your favorite movie was the one you could watch three times in one day and still want to watch it again. If it’s a cartoon there’s a good chance it’s a Disney movie. Because of this, you can thank Walt Disney for some of your favorite childhood memories. Over the past 75 years Disney has released over 500 different movies appealing to both children and adults (EBSCO). Through the creation of the Walt Disney Studio, Walt Disney …show more content…

Technology wasn’t advanced enough to make full productions. Cartoons were in black and white with little to no background music due to the lack of ability to air color or create complimentary sounds to play at the same time as the animation. However, Disney surpassed all competition in 1928 with the premier of ‘Steamboat Willie’. Not only was ‘Steamboat Willie’ the show that introduced the universally appealing Mickey Mouse, but it was also “the first cartoon to fully incorporate synchronized sound” (PBS). This marked the starting point for what some call Sunday morning cartoons. Disney made his characters have distinct personalities; this made viewers continue to watch his cartoons as they became to feel closer to the characters. Only nine years later the first of many beloved Disney movies was created. Snow White has been called a “landmark in film history” (PBS). With the help of his whole studio working together it took four years to complete the project, if it had only been Walt Disney himself it would have taken much longer. His first full- length feature was an immediate blockbuster hit. It not only entertained the young in age but the young at heart too. The film attracted a wide spectrum of audiences which really allowed him to get his name out there. Now although some of his movies are over 50 years old they are still relevant in today’s society. Not only relevant they are …show more content…

Because of the creation of Disneyland, Walt Disney productions also became the first motion picture studio to make an agreement with a television network to have paid programming on ABC. After Disney made the agreement there have been many more motion studios to follow him to join in on paid programming (CBS). However, Disney only accepted this offer because the network agreed to help finance Disneyland. With funding provided by the ABC television studio Walt Disney’s dream of creating a place where his characters could come alive was achieved. Since Disney had already achieved all of his animate dreams, the final thing he wanted to do was create a place where families as a whole could enjoy all of his fantasies. Thus Disneyland in Anaheim, California became the first fully themed amusement park in the US. By hiring expert technicians and architects Disney was able to wow both children and adults. Disney tested the limits to make his park the most extravagant place his customers had ever seen, hence giving it the slogan “where dreams come true”. The parks give customers a sense of magic and fantasy. It has enhanced innocence and the factor of creativity in young children. Both parks can be looked at as desirable destinations for foreign visitors. Another reason why the parks are so popular to stay at is there are not many places that are just the as enjoyable to

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