Hans Morgenthau's Theory Of Political Realism

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Hans Morgenthau formulates the basic principles of political realism. Initially, the author justifies the idea that the basis of international politics are the laws of political behavior, the roots of which should be sought in human nature. He tried to substantiate the idea that the power is associated with the immutability of human nature and it is the basis of the state’s behavior on the world stage. He believes that the world is imperfect. To create a rationally justified political order, it is necessary to take into account the imperfect nature of man. Conflicts of interest are typical for the modern world. Hence, the principle of existence of all pluralistic societies is based on the balance of interests, on the system of checks and balances. …show more content…

The first level explained international politics as primarily led by people or the result of psychological forces. The second level explained international politics as led by internal regimes of states, while the third level considered the role of systemic factors or the influence of international anarchy on state behavior. "Anarchy" in this context means not a condition of chaos or disorder, but only that there is no supreme authority that governs ethnic states. He would agree with Morgenthau about human nature and their role in politics. 2 statement. Waltz argues that the morality of prudence represents the conflict between order and survival. He argues that moral attitudes become more dominant when the consequences of political failure become more urgent. Waltz argues that the states must be concerned first of all with their stable position in the system rather than to maximize its power. The prudence can only be reasonable in a system of balance of power because this balance should be maintained by great powers. So, when it comes to the question of morality and prudence, Waltz is ambiguous. On the one side, he argues that this result in the clash of order and survival. On the other, it leads to the discussion about what people are willing to and should fight for. The moral element was always there but with entering the nuclear era it becomes more …show more content…

He says that there are states that can achieve domination over other states. But since there is anarchy nothing can prevent other states or coalition of states from increasing their powers and from overthrowing the dominator from its positions. But this anarchic system allows the hegemon state to take advantage of its position and to maximize its interests. The smaller states would feel fear and insecurity and it will result in small powers rising up in order to balance the interantional structure. And as states are expected to act strategically and rationally it is in their interest to balance the system, they should challenge the hegemonic power. If they succeed and attain the hegemonic position, they can expect that other states or coalitions would try to challenge them. For Waltz, it is the anarchy of the system and insecurity that determine the constant alternation of powers. He sees the balance of powers as the guarantee against the power monopoly. For Waltz the bipolar world is the most optimal