Revolutionary War Essay

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in more of an open field style combat with much longer ranged shots, the troops were trained for that rather than being trained for the more urban and close proximity battles that they ended up participating in. Additionally, during the Revolutionary War, the United States struggled with the length of time that they would have the Combatants to their disposal because of the extremely small enlistment contracts they issued and agreed upon. Assuming that WWI would take place over multiple years, the military knew that they had to correct that past mistake. They decided that if they were going to train someone in the profession of arms, they needed to at least get ample use out of that individual which led them to extend the enlistment contracts as they felt needed. After the Revolutionary War was over, the United States was presented with some debt that they owed, and to pay that debt off they decided to use a system of bonds to borrow money from the people promising to pay them back in the future. While being a temporary fix, if in the upcoming years the country does not end up making money and instead loses money, that plan ended up only postponing the debt from being laid on the table. While preparing for the entrance to WWI, funding was once again a problem because of the predictable draw down that the government always does when in times of peace. The Army needed more Soldiers, supplies, weapons …show more content…

Some chronic problems happened to come back from past wars and continued to test the people in positions of power on their ability to prove if they have truly learned from those who made the decisions before them. One of those repeat offenders is the always present problem with the downsizing of the military in times of peace rendering it incapable to