Warner Bros Research Paper

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1.0 Introduction
The organisation that is chosen is Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. This paper will consist of several sections. Several sections include an overview and the background story of the Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.’s ownership structure, a study of the different mergers of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. and last but not the least, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.’s concentration strategies.
2.0 An Overview and the Background Story of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
2.1 An Overview
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. is a part of Time Warner Company that has been a vanguard in the entertainment industry. It has been entertaining the world by producing various entertainment including but not limited …show more content…

Entertainment Inc. is a worldwide company with approximately 5,000 to 15,000 workers in North America and approximately 2,000 workers overseas. (Warner Bros., n.d.)
2.2 The Background Story
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. was founded by four brothers. They are Albert, Sam, Harry and Jack L. (Warner Bros., n.d.) According to Stephens and Wanamaker (2010), in 1903, Albert Warner, the second eldest sibling, stumbled upon a nickelodeon. He was captivated by the silent films in the nickelodeon; he had decided to start a motion picture business. To his surprise, his other brothers were thinking about the same thing as he did. The first equipment that they managed to get their hands into was a Kinetoscope that they bought from a friend.
2.3 Early Years
In the year of 1903, the four brothers travelled around to show their films in rented halls. They collected enough money to open a shop known as the Cascade Theatre. Not long after, they created the Duquesne Amusement Supply Company to distribute films. In the year of 1918, they produced the film “My Four Years in Germany” and the film made enough money for them to buy a studio at the West Coast. (Stephens and Wanamaker, …show more content…

merged back in 1960s. DC Comics was acquired by Steve Ross approximately the same time when he purchased Warner Bros. (Warner Bros., n.d.)
4.6 Lorimar Telepictures
In 1989, the company purchased Lorimar Telepictures. (Warner Bros., n.d.) Based on the agreement that they had, Warner Bros. paid approximately $ 660 million for Lorimar Telepictures’ stock and $ 550 million for their debt. (Fabrikant, 1988)
4.7 Time Inc.
According to Norris (1989), when these two companies were combined, they created the biggest media and entertainment conglomerate known as Time Warner, Inc. The company’s worth in stock market was $ 15.2 billion with revenue of $ 10 billion per year.
4.8 New Line Camera
New Line Camera became a part of Warner Bros. in 2009 after being independent for more than 40 years. (The Guardian, 2008) This merge is made in order to enhance the performance of the films, to keep within the budget and improve the margins. (Hau, 2008)

4.9 Castle Rock Entertainment
Castle Rock Entertainment was purchased by Turner Broadcasting and they ended up being a part of Warner Bros in the year of 1996. It is now a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Entertainment. (CLGWIKI,