Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS)

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I am originally from Nacogdoches TX but was raised in Greenbrier AR. After completion of high school I joined the Army on October 19, 2004 as a 21D (Engineer Diver). I attended basic training at Fort Lenardwood, MO. Upon completion or basic training I moved into phase I of advanced individual training at Fort Lenardwood and then to phase II at Panama City, FL. My first duty assignment was with the 86th Dive Detachment in December 2005. While assigned to the 86th Dive team where I conducted missions all over the world. After about five years of diving I got accepted to Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS). I was appointed a W01 in October 2009 and graduated 881A1 Marine Engineering Officer in August 2010. WO1 Hayes’ first duty position as