
Warriors The New Prophecy Midnight Theme Statement

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My book is Warriors the New Prophecy Midnight by:Erin Hunter. My book is about five clans of cats that are fighting. In my book there are a lot of cats getting injured and dying. Throughout the book I think that the main theme is loyalty. A theme statement that I came to was If you are loyal than you will grow to be a better person and affect a lot of lives by inspiring then with your loyalty. I have evidence from the beginning,middle, and end that support this statement. A topic sentence that I got out of the beginning of the book would be Loyalty can bring a lot of people together. I got this because on page 7 it said “He had grieved for her and honored her for the way she had given up her life to save them”. I think that this part shows …show more content…

Also family connects to loyalty because she had to care about people in the first place or she would not have gone out to save them. I think the author was trying to show loyalty involves bravery and can benefit your family or clan. I think this because she had to have bravery and loyalty to save them but also a reason to save them. If they just random people she probably would not have risked her life for them. I also think it involved bravery because it said that she risked her life to save them. I think bravery because she built up enough courage and bravery to risk her life for others lives. I think a theme statement of this could be bravery can lead you to saving the lives of others and feel accomplished. Also in the beginning, a second piece of evidence supporting the topic sentence would be on page 25 is said that brambleclaw was setting out on the dawn patrol and there we're adders and could kill with one bite. I think loyalty is involved in this scene because in order to rick your life for patrolling is really risky and takes a lot of loyalty for your clan. I think the author was trying to show that loyalty can be very helpful and can make others feel safe. I also think that this shows that in

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