Was Ccp Propaganda In Encouraging Public Support For Chinese Involvement In The Korean War

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To what extent was CCP propaganda effective in encouraging public support for Chinese involvement at the beginning of the Korean War? (1,965 words) Section A: Plan of the Investigation This investigation assesses the effectiveness of Chinese Communist Party propaganda in encouraging public support for Chinese involvement in the beginning of the Korean War. The Chinese government, since the start of their regime, had utilized propaganda as a way to encourage loyalty to the Party. Their intervention in the Korean War required a greater urgency for propaganda as the Party needed to persuade the public to provide soldiers and funding for a foreign country, especially since China’s economy and unity were damaged by the Civil War. Different types …show more content…

However, to fully evaluate the effectiveness, other first hand accounts must be analyzed. From a soldier’s and civilian’s perspective, the propaganda campaign meant little to them, but the idea of duty and fear from speaking out led their support. There is no transparent answer available. To get one, more primary sources have to be evaluated, however because China’s documents are kept classified, and the ones that are open to the public have not been translated to English, there is a lack of evidence to strongly support either perspective. Ultimately, it can be stated that propaganda played a role in cultivating public support for the Korean War, but the extent of its effectiveness remains …show more content…

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