Was Lenin A Good Leader

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Lenin the Leader

Vladimir Ulyanov , also known as Lenin, was one of the most influential leaders in the entirety of Russia’s history. Lenin was a Russian political leader who wanted to bring a social democracy to Russia. He was against the tsarists and believed that a socialist government would help Russia. He used violent tactics to get to where he wanted to go but he was capable of moving all of Russia in a complete different direction. Throughout his life he faced many hardships including his close brother being killed and him personally being sent to a work camp in Siberia. He was an effective leader because he was incredibly persuasive, his ideas were new and he pressed them hard, and because no matter how much fire he was under he never gave up. …show more content…

One form of persuasion that Lenin used was in a newspaper he wrote on called the Iskra (Vladimir I. NP). The Iskra means the Spark in Russian and so it should be no surprised it was written by revolutionaries like Lenin who wanted to push forward their agenda. The Iskra began publication on December 1, 1900 in Leipzig, Germany (Vladimir I. NP). Lenin managed the paper for about 3 years until Lenin decided to leave and the ownership was handed to the Mensheviks. The Iskra eventually split into two different groups completely (Heinzen James NP). These two groups were called the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks. The two groups split up after an argument sprked up over the editorial board. The Bolsheviks were led by Lenin and the Mensheviks were led by Julius Martov. Lenin used his power over the Bolsheviks to help progress his