Was The American Dream Justified

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The American identity started with a dream. That dream grew from a hope to find new trade routes to an economic stronghold to an entire country full of people who now claim dreams of their own. The American Dream began by people wanting to follow their own religion. Colonies settled into the New World for varied reasons. The colonists settled in the New Word because they hoped for a new beginning. The achievement of this travel justified that the colonies can be marketed for England 's manufactured goods. "England saw the colonies as a way to sell more goods and resources to other countries." (Marks). The rulers influenced them to cross over to the New World because it 's possible to expand their empires to America. Soon after the colonists …show more content…

"Fifty-five men attended most of the meetings, there were never more than forty-six present at any one time, and ultimately only thirty-nine delegates signed the Constitution." (About the Signers). Only thirty-nine of them ended up signing the Constitution. Three of the men that were there on signing day refused to sign the final document. Some men simply refused, others got sick, and several left early. The most famous reason on why delegates refused to sign the document was the lack of the Bill of Rights. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were unable to sign this document because they were overseas. "The founding principles built into the structure of the document itself are of a general …show more content…

Other countries and groups point of view of America is the total opposite of ours. Some of the countries are Palestinian Territories, Pakistan, Lebanon,Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, Slovenia, Iran, and Tunisia. People who live in America wonder why all the other countries hate us; moreover, it’s the way we handle our leadership. "They 've had enough of the New World Order. And an alliance of 133 countries, two-thirds of the nations on Earth, signed an agreement this weekend to end the New World Order.” (Wachtler). People from different countries tend to think we are spoiled because "Our attempts to spread democracy worldwide, intended to let others enjoy the same freedoms and advantages that we have, sometimes result in innocent people dying." (Staff). Before writing this paper, I did not believe in the American Dream. I thought the American Dream looked over those who starved and others that are trying to make a living. People from other countries only see the bad in us; however, there is a good side! America lets us have freedom! You can have different beliefs, same sex marriage, and nobody having to hold you back. I’m glad I live in a country where I can persuade myself into doing more and becoming a prime example of the American