Water Privatization

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Water is a resource that is necessary for human survival. It is something that all of us come into contact with on a day to day basis and we never really think of where it comes from or its consequences. Many people believe that water should be able to be freely used because of this necessity, however there are those who view water as a vehicle for profit due to its high demand. Pollution, increased population growth, and scarcity have caused the value of water to skyrocket and almost surpass the need and demand for oil. Majority of the freshwater on earth is not accessible by man, causing the small amount that we can access to be fought over by global corporations and local governments. There is a rush to gain control of this natural resource which is producing an intense conflict in the United States in cities such as Stockton and worldwide in countries like Bolivia and India. No matter the political stance, it is understood that water is something that everyone should have access to. Whether or not citizens will have to pay a price for it is the difference between the two.
Privatization is the process of transferring, selling or divesting government services or assets to private ownership or control. Powerful corporations with large sums of money are normally the prime example of this privatization, especially in the context of the water industry. The documentary had shown the small Californian town of …show more content…

It is a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. Globalization is affected by everyday choices and culture due to our growing technological horizon. Today we have more of a reach and can interact with many more people compared to years past. Because of this greater influence, stronger more independent countries can now reach out to and provide aid to the smaller, impoverished,