Water Usage Facts About Central African Republic

480 Words2 Pages

Pictures of water uses in Australia (e.g. toilet, bathtub, bottled water, water slides, sprinklers, washing laundry etc.) • Water Usage Facts • Facts about Central African Republic from CIA: The World Factbook website • 1 copy of both team descriptions for each table • A bucket, a bin or box with the word “Tap” written on it • 100 or more water cards laminated; 30 or more water pump cards laminated • 1 set of situation cards (red, yellow) for each table • 6 timers • Recording sheet (time and tally charts) for each student or table •
Teacher presents information verbally and through graphic representations: teacher asks students if they have heard of Central African Republic and where they think it is in relation to other African countries; teacher show map of country and gives brief information about population, religion, socio‐economic status, government, and …show more content…

students read and answer questions as a group. Teacher confirms answers orally. ‐ Teacher indicates locations of “tap” bin and bucket; reminds students of classroom rules (no pushing, tripping etc.). ‐ Teacher distributes timers and situation cards (red, yellow) and announces when students can begin. ‐ Teacher highlight differences in consumption, availability and use of water in two contrasting nations. ‐ Teacher draws conclusions, asking groups for their results and records them on the board in a chart similar to the one distributed to the students. The teacher asks, Who took longer? Why? Who got the most cards? Why? Who had an easier time collecting cards? Why? ‐ Teacher asks how the students felt during the game. How did Team Canada feel? How did Team Central African Republic

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