
We Have A Lot To Learn Essay

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Ryan 1
Robert W. Ryan
Dr. Anne Kennedy
11 April 2018

Working Title: Diet & Exercise: We Have a Lot to Learn
Thesis Statement: Obesity is an epidemic that we must get under control, our future generations depend on it for a healthy life with less risk of high healthcare expenses.
Introductory Rationale: Obesity has become an ever-growing problem in the U.S. and worldwide and we must do something about it before it gets worse. We must start teaching our youth of the importance in healthy diet and exercise. In the book “Cardiovascular Risk Management” Arroll and Hobbs state, “Of particular concern are the recent rapid rises in obesity in children and adolescents, largely the result of increased caloric intake coupled with an increasingly sedentary lifestyle” …show more content…

are either overweight or obese” (Foreyt 1). o “Obesity is a worldwide public health challenge” (Foreyt 1).
• Exercise is very important but it must be done correctly o Miller wrote in “5 Myths About Exercise” that it is important to learn fact from fiction when it comes to exercise
• Diet is important and it is important to learn which diet might work best for you o Foreyt talks in his article “Weight Loss Diets: Are They All The Same?” about how there are two very popular diets, low carb and low fat o Foreyt also talks in his article about how any weight loss plan can produce results as long as you follow it correctly.
Counter Argument: When I read the article by John P. Foreyt “Weight Loss Diets: Are They All The Same?” I noticed that he never spoke at all about the importance in exercise, only diet. This makes one think that diet is most important when it comes to controlling the obesity rate and getting ourselves healthy, but after reading an article by Paige Greenfield in Woman’s Health Magazine entitled “Diet Vs. Exercise: the smackdown” I learned that diet vs. exercise all

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