Child Obesity In America Essay

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Hence, child obesity has risen to become a major problem in the United States and has been increasing rapidly over the last few years. This is caused due to, fast food restaurants, lack of exercise at their age and lack of parental supervision. As a nation it should be within our obligations to watch out for one another and care for our children. Children at a young age are the most outgoing and are at an age where they can understand the importance of carrying a healthy lifestyle and diet. Most importantly parents should be the one’s taking care of their children’s health and making sure they are eating the appropriate nutrients. If it is not the parents then who will care for these kids, it would be devastating to see children dying because …show more content…

It is about time to do something about this issue so the number decreases instead of increasing. No children should be suffering or dying from obesity at such a young age. America is known for being great in several things such as opportunity for jobs, education, lifestyle etc. however we are lacking at an important issue which is preventing from childhood obesity from increasing. Parents are the main ones who should have the interest in wanting to help their kids and prevent them from becoming obese. It all start at home is something I would hear ever since I was young from my elementary teachers. Of course they would say that referencing to learning manners and parents following along with the homework assigned to us. However, eating habits also start from home, parents are their kid’s role models, if a kid sees that their parents eat whatever they want and don’t exercise than most likely that kid will follow into the same footsteps. At a young age children should get into the idea of eating healthy and all the benefits of doing so. Obesity is a topic that children should be learning from not only their parents but school as