We Lose Our History We Are Nothing Analysis

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The idea behind this study I believe is incredible as people dedicated a year of their lives to go and live with the Inuit people to study their culture. One of the men in the beginning of the film said that if we “lose our history, we are nothing”, this is an important statement because children need to pass down our history for future generations. A boy in class said that he was starving after he got home and he was too lazy to make himself a sandwich. This statement was compelling to the researchers as they needed to reevaluate how they teach the children. By getting rid of the textbook, and making children act hands-on with new experiences within the classroom, this would be much more effective. I agree with this idea as reading the textbook can only do so much for my learning. The main focus of the plan was to create something that could ideally never be created again, a way of life that has now disappeared. After watching how the Netsilk people caught their food, it all became real as sometimes it unimaginable to think that this was people’s everyday lives. Although they were actors in the film, this was their everyday life. The way in which the man gathered and set up a trap on top of the ice was intriguing, he used tools to see how deep the ice was and whispered words of his kind to catch the seal many feet below the ice. …show more content…

This film did not interfere with any values, but rather conservative people were just blind to the fact that this was a way of life and where we came from. In an intellectual environment, children will get a better education if they are delivered the truth. The seal killing was graphic for students as well as many other scenes, however, one student claimed it was more interesting than horrifying at the time. This just shows that this controversy was nothing more than irrelevant as politics did not need to interfere with this

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