Welcome To Holland Analysis

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My feelings on reading the story
I can only feel strong emotions and sympathize with the parent when reading “Welcome to Holland” by Emily Perl Kingsley because parents go through a series of emotions from shock to acceptance in raising a child with a disability. First a parent’s plan for their child’s future is changed because of learning their child has a disability. Next, they have to learn strategies to help their child. This story reminded me of my two years old student struggled in class immensely. When I spoke to his father, who sadly agreed his child needed help. He blamed himself as he said, “Am I the reason my child being this way?”As a teacher, my role was to discuss about his child’s strengths and supports he needed. Therefore the child received services which …show more content…

He would also be protected under the Individuals with Disabilities Education (IDEA). He would also have qualified teachers such as Kirk (2009) states “IDEA 2004 (PL 108-446) also included various changes in the law. These changes address the quality of personnel: special education specialists must hold full state certification as special education teachers and have a license to teach.” This means that he would have qualified teachers who can teach high quality education to meet Aaron’s needs. Aaron’s parents would also benefit in the rights such as the IDEA Amendments of 1997. Dunlap (2009) states. “The amendments strengthened parent’s right to be involved in educational decisions affecting their children, adopted a more outcome-based approach to assessment, and clarified that schools must educate children with disabilities in general education classrooms, the LRE.” (p.10). This means there would be more educational opportunities for Aaron to help him increase his educational