West Virginia Museum History

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Some may refer to Point Pleasant West Virginia as nothing but a sleepy town for older people to enjoy their retirement.This little town that locals call "Point" has more than meets the eye. Point is full of rich history from Tu -Endie_Wei park to The TNT area. For anyone just passing through should stop and take a look around at this beautiful place "Where rivers meet". If your looking for a history incite The West Virginia State Farm Museum has plenty to offer.

The Farm Museum located right a crossed the road from the Mason County Fair Grounds. This museum is not a typical all exhibits inside one building, This one is actually made up of about fifteen micro museums. The New Morgan Museum, Summers House, The Blacksmith Shop, The Allen log House, and …show more content…

This building displays instruments just like Doctor Milton J Lilly may have used at one time. Lilly and His Family moved to Mason County in 1908. For 59 years he served this region of the county and some parts of Cabell and Putnam county's also untill his death in 1967. Lilly was loved by all, he also served one year in the West Virginia State Legislature ,but politics was not his thing.

The Blacksmiths cottage houses most of William Timoth Harpers tools that he used during his lifetime as a Blacksmith. Harper made his living in St Albans West Virginia for 57 years. Once in a while the Farm Museum has professionals come to demonstrate this lost art of craftsmanship.

The Summers House dates back as far as 1812, it originally sat in Winfield, West Virginia then later moved in 1980 to its current location. George Summers the builder of this home was a politic man. George served in the Virginia Legislature and in congress in the 1800s. Folklore claims that President Lincoln asked him to be his running mate during Lincolns second time running, but George had to deny the offer because his wife was becoming very sick at the