
What Are Phonemic Awareness And Phonics Affect Reading?

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These five characteristics work together to build the reading understanding. As children acquire reading skills they must develop in all five of these parts in order to become effective readers. Tompkins (2014) asserts “reading is a constructive process of creating meaning that involves the reader, the text, and the purpose within social and cultural contexts. The goal is comprehension, understanding the text and being able to use it for the intended purpose.” Children who are excited about reading are skilled readers.
Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Phonics, while very similar to phonemic awareness, is different. Where phonemic awareness is about the awareness of the sound of phonemes, phonics is the awareness and recognition that those …show more content…

By the time a reader completes a sentence, they may fail to recall what the sentence was about. Comprehension is obstructed because the method of decoding takes so much time and energy the short-term memory cannot comprehend the disjointed input of information. By distinction, a fluent reader reads in smooth and nonstop phrases and the brain can recall and understand what is read. Pikulski and Chard (2005) claim, “Fluency has sometimes been viewed as essentially an oral reading phenomenon”. There is a substantial amount of evidence that recognizes reading fluency’s influence on reading comprehension. Through automaticity and prosody, a connection can be built between reading fluency and comprehension. Reading fluency needs to develop an instructional emphasis in the classroom. While rate appears to get most of the emphasis, all three components of reading fluency need and deserve to be addressed equally. The fluency strategies should be administered to all students’, and they have greater chance of becoming a reader who can answer literature thoughtfully and with meaning, which is the ultimate goal. Fluency and comprehension go hand in hand because without the students’ ability to ready fluently then they will be unable to comprehend any given

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