
What Are The Benefits Of Returning To The PEDZ Program

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Returning to the PEDZ Program would assist me in enhancing my experience and knowledge for the career I have opted to follow. In returning, I would be given the opportunity to further develop my social and communication skills, team building skills, and my working ability. Becoming part of this program for another year would help me learn how to best handle situations that may involve troubled visitors, misunderstandings, confusion, and even high amounts of pressure. While being part of the PEDZ program, I was able to gain insight on the way people behave in a working environment and the decisions that they have to make in order to keep their surroundings functional and orderly. I learned that the people that you meet at you job may not only become just colleagues, but they may also …show more content…

My team building skills will increase because I will have the opportunity to engage with other people that may have similar or different strengths and weaknesses as myself. Being in the PEDZ program will provide me with the means in which to study animal behaviors and procedures that are necessary to follow in order to aid the animals which will correspondingly improve my working ability. When I became part of the PEDZ program, I was already sure about the reason as to why I would love to work at the Chattanooga Zoo in the first place, but while working there I witnessed something that reminded me of the reason I chose to learn about animals and help them as best as possible. As usual, I had arrived at the area that I was assigned to and I was trying to figure out which task to work on next. As I was doing so, two workers that I had gotten to know where discussing something and by the looks on their faces I knew that it was something serious. I was immediately concerned because one of the workers looked as if he were going to

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