
What Are The Events That Affect The Economy Of The 1920s And 1930s

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The 1920s and 1930s was a time of dramatic change to the economical, political, and social aspects of the world. Throughout this time period, the world witnessed many ups and downs. However, these events lead to the significant change of the way of life which would affect the world for many years to come. Firstly, the economy in the 1920s and 1930s were complete opposites. The 1920s, also known as the “roaring 20s” was a period of impressive economic growth and prosperity marked by technological advancements and consumerism. The majority of the world was financially stable and businesses were fuming at the time. On the other hand, the 1930s was a period of economic hardships as a result of the Great Depression. Millions of people worldwide were left to struggle after the stock market crash which led to the increase of unemployment rates, bankruptcies, and laid off businesses. This ultimately led to the significant increase in poverty, hunger and homelessness. …show more content…

This decade witnessed the rise of tension in Europe. This was due to the treaty of Versailles which made significant changes regarding European borders/territories. Although this treaty was signed in 1919, the effects of it played a major role in the relationships between European nations in the 1920s due to the major political changes made and lack of satisfaction. Due to the aftermath of WW1, many nations worldwide focused on rebuilding their country. On the other hand, the 1930s political life was marked by the Great Depression and the start of WW2. This decade was a time of hardship and despair as many nations around the world struggled to cope with the economic drought. Furthermore, tension in the 1920s was passed on to the 1930s and became worse as a result of major changes in Europe which was deemed unfair by the German government. This ultimately led to the rise of Adolf Hitlers reign and his attempt to take over the

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