What Are The Factors That Influence Online Shopping

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The topic of study in J8 is about factors influencing Generations Y students’ attitude towards online shopping (Makhitha, 2014). Web based shopping is a developing rapidly (Brown, Cajee, Davies and Strobel, 2003; Kau, Tang and Ghose, 2003), and it is gaining popularity and reputation among online users (Kau et al., 2003). According to numerous studies, the amount of people in South Africa using their phones to connect the Web almost reached 8 million even though Internet is in embryonic stage in that region. Moreover, generation Y buyers devote more time in the web and spend more money in online stores than adults, therefore they are considered to be the most attractive consumers of the online shopping sector. Their spending power makes them a noteworthy part of the market to both advertisers and retailers (Ma and Niehm, 2006) and it is necessary for advertisers to understand the reasons that affect the Generation Y during the process of online shopping. The objective of this research is to identify the factors that impact student behaviour in online shops.
The research in J9 was on the study of the factors influencing online purchase of products in Kolkata (Sen, 2014). Web based business or electronic trade, has encountered fast development over the most recent couple of decades. As a result more companies and organizations in India are using Internet to sell their goods and services, while the number customers who prefers online shopping is growing rapidly.

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