What Are The Implications Of A Professional Review On Action Research

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This website has been developed to explain the role of the action researcher and for visual learners like myself, who need a visual view of what a written action plan would look along with the procedures. According to Tom Russell (1999), a faculty member of education at Queen’s University, action research describes professionals who study their profession to improve upon it.

When used by educators it involves gathering and interpreting data collected to understand a factor of teaching that concerns us. Action research allows teachers to determine their teaching methods instead of relying on others through literature or other experts.

Action research is a description of a professional …show more content…

Setup a timeline, when will I collect my dtat and what strategies can I use to obtain my data to help me respond to my question. In this step, I would My next step is to determine what evidence I will collect so I can determine the outcome of the evidence I compiled. Tere (2006) suggests the following before one begins collecting the data. Begin to think of the data needed at the beginning of the process. Assess how valuable it is. Interpret the data so that I can understand it and others can understand it. Finally, start my analysis. Note: Because selective mutism has just started to be noticed by researchers, my subject has minimal information in books, articles, and research studies; therefore, I found that my best information started with sites such as Shipon-Blum’s Selective Mutism Association or Selective Mutism Research Institute or Selective Mutism Foundation because they work with selectively mute children. Furthermore, the site refers the reader to other credible sites on selective …show more content…

Finally, start the process of analyzing my data
As an example, my action research project will analyze the following: 1) how many teachers know what SM is, 2) how many teachers, school counselors can identify the SM children, How many teachers know how to teach SM children, how many students have been place in special education that might be selectively mute. For example, I will analyze the knowledge of teachers regarding selectively mute children and their skill in identifying them. I will then compare the responses to determine if there are deficience in their awareness of the disorder.
Qualitative Data Analysis
Qualitative output will require me to look at the notes of my daughter and I and place our notes in a formatted theme form so they can form the basis for some of the awreness questions in my questionnaire.
My choice of questionnaire is a mixture of oen ended questionnaires and scenarios. I would choose this process because many times SM is confused with anxiety disorder or autism and there is a distinct difference of teaching strategies to be used; therefore, a scenario will determine if they are aware of SM or are confusing it with other