What Are The Key Things That Help You Successful In The Interview Process

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The articles provide key information that can help you succeed in an interview process. After reading these articles I have many tips I can apply to my next interview process. These tips can help me succeed in my interviews which can help me get the jobs I want. There were five tips in particular that I found the most helpful. Dress properly, research the company, prepare yourself for interview questions, "take advantage of the unprepared", and "Liars don't get hired."
Dressing properly is the biggest key in an interview. The way you dress is the first impression you make with the interviewer. It is key that you "dress for success" and make sure the interviewer knows you mean business. The article says even if they tell you to dress business casual you should still dress professionally. That will show them that you are serious about the job. …show more content…

If you know the company, what they stand for, and their goals, then you have a huge advantage over other applicants. Knowing these things will show the interviewer that you did your homework and will show you are serious about the job and that is something that will impress the interviewer. Interviewer want to know you are serious about the job you are applying for and doing your homework about the company show that.
Prepare yourself for interview questions is essential. Interviewers will ask all sorts of questions. They will ask expected questions like "what are your credentials?" or they could ask unexpected questions where they give you a work scenario and see how you respond to that scenario. Lastly, they could ask you a random question that will tell them about your character and how you will fit with the company. You need to prepare yourself for these questions. If you know the company moto you can give your answers in a way that lines up with the company moto and that will impress the

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