
What Are The Pros And Cons For Diesel Fuel

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Energy Sources Proposal
For: Augusta, GA Town Council
Purpose: Energy Source Analysis
Nonrenewable: Diesel fuel
Diesel is a distillate fuel used in generators that supply electricity, in large facilities for backup or emergency power. However, is mostly in commercial freight trucks, trains, transportation buses, private and commercial boats, farming vehicles and construction vehicles. Diesel is moved to the terminals from the refineries by pipelines, barges and trains. Trucks transport it from the terminal to the consumer and retail stations.
• Diesel fuel has been a key player in the energy economy, according to US Energy Information Administration “In 2016, diesel fuel accounted for about 21% of the petroleum fuels consumed by the U.S. transportation sector.” (US EIA, 2017).
• The demand of diesel fuel in the United States is generally consistent.
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• Energy can by produced from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), “In 2014, about 258 million tons of MSW were generated in the United States, of which, 53% was landfilled, 35% was recycled and composted, 13% was burned for energy” (US EIA, 2017)
• Biomass energy plants generated about 14 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. This accounted for nearly 64% of the MSW in 2015 and reducing contamination from landfills by burning MSW
• Released carbon dioxide (CO2) from biomass is nearly 100% captured by the plants through photosynthesis while they are growing, making it what many call a carbon-neutral energy source.
• MSW landfills use the EPA tested ash from biomass energy plants for their landfills.
• in 2016 only about 5% of the energy used in the US came from Biomass fuels.
• Landfills generate strong greenhouse gasses that are also flammable the US Clean Air Act requires that a gas collection and control system is installed for landfills of a certain

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