What Are The Pros And Cons Of Keeping The Voting Age At 18

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Keeping the voting age at 18 or lowering the required age to vote has been a mass debate across the world. Some people think that keeping the age at 18 will be more efficent than lowering it. Others believe that lowering the required age to vote may cause problems with the percentage of voters. There are many pros and cons about the whole debate. In my opinion, I think the required age to vote should be left at age 18. If the voting age lowered I believe that the voting percentage would be lowered as well. According to a U.S. Census Burea report, only 38% of voters in the 18-24 age group voted in 2012 and 70% of voters was older. Investigating this report tells me that younger adults do have a smaller impact on voting than the older but also

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