What Are The Similarities Between Night And In Cold Blood

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2.1 million people in a year on average have to make an emergency department visit for assault. There are 16,000 homicides per year on average. Cruelty follows people in life, regardless of where they are or who they are. In the book, Night, Elie Wiesel tells the horrors of concentration camps from his point of view as a survivor. In the novel, In Cold Blood, Truman Capote shines a new light on the 1959 murder of the Herbert Clutter family in the small community of Holcomb, Kansas. In both of these texts inhumanity is shown in different ways and is brought on by different motivations. These accounts show most people will be pushed to cruelty when it is either that or their life, anyone can be broken but some choose to go down that path. Cruelty …show more content…

In Night, Elie Wiesel accounts the past horrors of his life going through the concentration camps during World War II. Elie Wiesel and his father are separated from his mother and sisters at the camp in Birkenau. From then on they see unspeakable horrors, “Not far from us, flames, huge flames, were rising from a ditch. Something was being burned there. A truck drew close and unloaded its hold: small children. Babies! Yes, I did see this with my own eyes … children thrown into the flames…” (Wiesel, Elie). From the text the reader is able to comprehend that other people, Nazis, are the humans murdering the children without an ounce of remorse. This makes the reader question how people with a beating heart and functioning brain can commit such atrocities without a second thought. The simple answer is they were able to behave this way due to brainwashing and selfishness. Nazis believed …show more content…

In Night, we saw that the Nazi’s had a choice of committing those horrendous acts, but chose to ignore their conscious and be brainwashed instead. While in, In Cold Blood, it shows that two people can ruin a whole town by simply choosing selfish gain over the pursuit of happiness and loving fellow human beings. Cruelty comes in all forms and it is not something that will go away from our society anytime soon. Cruelty is a timeless human theme, where there were humans there was cruelty. In today’s society majority of the time everyone likes to do their best at ignoring the cruelty around us and continue on with their typical daily schedule. But regardless if we acknowledge it or not cruelty is all around us. Either through wars going on in the Middle East or through the typical everyday murder in your city. Cruelty is not something we can escape and it boils down to one simple reason, selfishness. The reason all of these horrendous events occur is because we, the human nature, are selfish. Majority of every motive we have is pushed by our selfishness. The reasons war happens is due to countries wanting more power and that is because they are selfish and want it for their own personal gain. The reason there is murder, can be motivated by money in situations like bank robberies, or it can be motivated by hate and that also qualifies as selfishness because the person committing the crime is putting their own