What Are The Three Key Insights Of The Network Approach

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Organizations utilize various channels to uplift of their business acumen. The health care sector has followed suit and adopted measures to enhance the working capability of health organizations. This paper will discuss key insights of the network approach and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Case. The Networked Approach and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Case:
The Three Key Insights for My Health Organization. The quintessential goal of health care facilities is to benefit the patient and the areas they serve. The concept of efficiency and quality competition is fairly new to the health care industry. In the past, health organizations aimed to provide care to the patients by treating specific ailments. However with health reform, technological innovations, and advancements organizations are now evaluate the patient as a whole. Meaning, physical and psychosocial elements must be …show more content…

Diversification and expansion to comprehensive services allows for the most advancement opportunities. It is important that facilities employ each available avenue for networking such as advertising. If strategized appropriately, the organization will be better equip for trends and systemic changes. Health care reform, aging populations, and greater economic divides are examples of changes. Another practice organization should consider is the use of media. Mobilization efforts and processes should also be undertaken. Spreading awareness of health care processes can lead the adoption of improved health promotion activities by the community at-large. In addition, the knowledge about the health organization and what it has to offer may be indirectly championing the health organization; improved services yields improved treatment options yields improved patient outcomes. In addition to this measure, a simultaneous technological adjuncts and innovations can be ventured, developed, and