Assignment 2: The Role Of Budgeting In Healthcare Organizations

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Budgeting or a health care organization will allow the organization to provide more care to more patients if handled correctly. Fraud can occur when dealing with budgeting, therefore, budgeting needs to be handled by the management team only and needs to be audited regularly. Each individual in the management team needs to have reviews completed on them to know that they are trustworthy and have integrity. According to the portfolio alert, the Officer of Inspector General (OIG) is in the lobby and as the practice administrator; I will handle this situation and demonstrate to the OIG that are healthcare organization takes great precautions to eliminate this behavior of fraud. As the practice administrator I would greet the OIG in the lobby and show him to my office. I would go over how our organization has a flexible budget. This budget can cost money and time, however, allows the organization have a more in depth look on how each department operates and can predict the future of the organization accurately. According to Wolper (2013), “a flexible budget assumes that actual performance will be different from the original budget amounts and adjust the initial budgeted amounts and adjust the initial budget to accommodate the different volume of service”. (p. 277) Health care organizations do not remain static, however, …show more content…

According to Liker and Meier (2006), “become a learning organization through relentless reflection and continuous improvement”. (p. 13) Our leaders and employees at Superior Health constantly reflect on their job and try to improve it through research and the improvement team that has been implemented to create the learning atmosphere that Superior Health has. Therefore, the OIG will have a better understanding of the philosophy of Superior Health and have a sense on how we eliminate fraud in our

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