What Are The Us Army Customs And Courtesies

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Title: The Customs and Courtesies of the U.S. Army


The U.S. Army's customs and courtesies are deeply ingrained practices that embody principles of respect, honor, and unity. They help to maintain the order and discipline essential in every military setting. This essay provides an analytical perspective on these customs and courtesies, grounded in a deep understanding of their significance.

Overview of U.S. Army Customs and Courtesies

The customs and courtesies of the U.S. Army are codes of conduct that govern social and professional interactions among military personnel. Customs are established practices or rituals such as parades, saluting, or military ceremonies. Courtesies, on the other hand, reflect etiquette and good manners, …show more content…

This practice also fosters a sense of belonging and identity among soldiers, transcending the individual to uphold a collective ethos.

Parades and military ceremonies are pivotal customs that honor traditions, commemorate victories, and instill pride and esprit de corps among soldiers. They serve as symbolic reminders of the military’s history and values.

Analysis of Customs and Courtesies.

The U.S. Army's customs and courtesies offer a deeper insight into the military’s operational nature. Saluting respects the chain of command, which galvanizes the harmony necessary for efficient operations. Meanwhile, the military ceremonies reinforce organizational identity and boost morale, influencing the soldiers’ performance and dedication.

However, it is crucial to note that these customs and courtesies reflect a highly hierarchical structure with a top-down leadership model. While this system’s efficiency is critical during times of war, it may limit creativity and innovation, as decisions often emanate from a few top ranking officials. Thus, it poses a question of how democracy can coexist within the stringent military culture.