What Could Be Some Positive Things That A Law Such As NCLB Provide For Education?

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1. What could be some positive things that a law such as NCLB provide for education? (You may want to read the following article: Piche, D. (Fall 2007). Basically a good model. Education Next. For a response).
From a personal point a view, many positive things can come from NCLB if it is guided not used, “Abandoning NCLB now would be the height of cynicism. Instead, like the civil rights movement itself, the education reform movement is in dire need of creative thinking, committed education leaders, and informed, involved parents—all united in our belief in the worth and value of every young life and each child’s potential to learn and do great things”. I believe, the purpose of NCLB is to help and push education to another level and the guide lines are good, what we need to do is used them properly.

2. How has NCLB affect your school or district? If you are not teaching in a school, you may interview a teacher and ask …show more content…

This was in 2002-203, the program evaluate the children development through regulated testing, but the same problems that follow NCLB affect the students in all levels. It seems that the main idea of some schools administrators and teachers are the results of the tests, this test stared when I was in 4th. Grade in grammar school in 1975, back then they only used to measure the results, and it was until 2006 that the program ENLACE started to regulate with standardize testing. From my point of view the only thing good about the standardize testing is the competency, in the other hand the harmfulness of this type of programs is that leaves out the humanities subjects affecting the knowledge, consciousness, ethics, and the basic structure of the humanities areas that enable the individual to grow in its character, and not just technologically, business, or any other

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