What Does Harvey Milk Do What You Believe Is Right

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When searching for advice, we often hear “do what you believe is right.” Harvey Milk did this precisely, as he did not care for the negative viewpoints of his sexual orientation, he was proudly open about it. Throughout his life, in fact, Harvey Milk struggled for the right to be recognized at all. Milk persevered through failed political campaigns – calling for fairer treatment for gay Americans and fighting for his voice to be heard. When he finally won a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Harvey Milk didn’t just become a symbolic figure as the first openly gay man to win election to public office. He took on the hard work of fighting for equal rights for all people no matter who they loved, not because it was popular, but because it was right. Milk used his new …show more content…

He demanded that the government needed to change and respond to the needs of these individuals. He also fought for the preservation of the unique character of the city's neighborhoods, a decision disliked by his political adversaries. Milk was instrumental for the passage of the gay-rights law when he was a city supervisor. This law prohibited unequal treatment or discrimination with respect to employment opportunities and housing, basing on sexual orientation. By putting himself at the forefront of his movement, Milk exposed himself to a danger that would ultimately cost him his life.
Mr. Milk continued to show political courage by making decisions despite fear. Throughout his political career, Milk displayed his own courage in many difficult ordeals. For example, during Harvey Milk’s time, being homosexual meant a life of discrimination and hate. Gays had a fear of being themselves because of the